
Simple and Casual American style clothing designs are main factors on all of HEREMARK works. HEREMARK provides customer an exclusive service which is base on customer’s requirement combined a high quality and creative clothing design. Our products all done by a strictly of standard operation procedure to ensure each single product from HEREMARK is the “Masterpiece” with a reasonable price.
We believe that only consistency of following professional service management concept will accomplish our goal both in Win-Win situation.
「Brand」We offer the best place for putting your company trademark or brand logo on our product.
「Image」Through our product and design, we can guarantee you 100% to deliver your prospective image to consumer mind.
「Creativity」We have over hundreds of design patterns to fulfill your needs in any visual images requirement.
「Clothing」We produce cloth, hat, shoes, bag or any related product which you need.
因此在我們專業的知識領域中 針對 客戶溝通 款式設計 產品生產 品質管制 售後服務 等 均制定了標準作業流程,以期提供給每一位客戶品質優良的產品及合理的價格。
自成立迄今 我們始終堅持最初的理念與責任 因為 我們相信專業服務的經營理念,才能達成公司與客戶之間的雙贏。
品牌:永遠把最好的位置預留著 準備要放上您的品牌
形象:將您所注重的形象 藉由我們的設計與作品傳給每一位使用者的身上
創意:無論是形象或視覺的傳達,我們專業的設計團隊累積豐富多樣的資料庫,多達數百種的 圖樣組合與自由的顏色搭配,讓無限的創意得以發揮與實現。
服飾:整體形象設定 舉凡與紡織工業有關的衣類 帽類 包類 鞋類等相關產品均可專案承製宏麥國際有限公司